In the spring, when I walked down my blacktop road, I rescued worms. These wiggly guys had left the ditch and headed across the road probably to their death. Either they would have been run over or dried out from being out in the sun.
Now the season has changed and I rarely find worms during my walk. These days I find another critter trying to cross the road.
The caterpillar might not dry up while crossing the road like a worm, but it sure can get run over.
I relocated this one back in nearby greenery.
I may not be able to save a lot of worms or caterpillars, but I think the ones I do are grateful. At least I hope they are.
My August 17th blog began: On August 2, I ordered a folding picnic table (Store name withheld at this point). It was to be delivered on the 8th, and then the 12, and then 13th….. Finally, it was to come today, the 17th, between 10 and 12.
A huge box arrived that day, but it wasn’t my picnic table. It was a heavy table top.
I struggled to get that tabletop back in the box. The store arranged to have it picked up on August 24th.
Again I was told my ordered picnic table was on the way, to arrive on Thursday, August 27th, which it didn’t. Instead, my children gifted me a picnic table for my birthday on the 29th.
On Tuesday, September 1, my ordered folding picnic table arrived!
No assembly was required, only unfolding.
It is smaller than the gifted picnic table in the photo background, as I expected. When I am mowing lawn I’ll be able to easily move it–the gift table is easy to move, too, unlike both old wood tables we’ve been using for many, many years.
I can now relax and thank Lowes for fixing the situation with the wrong table and getting the correct picnic table to me before the snow flies. I will be using it all fall and then easily fold it away for winter.