I was in Sissy’s Treats and Treasures in Seymour when I looked out the door. I saw something that attracted my attention, a big red and black bug.

I’ve heard of people making painted rocks and setting them out for others to discover, but this is the first one I’ve found.
On the back it read:

It says: take a picture and post on Facebook — GBW Rocks — Keep or re-hide — Please enjoy! — The Wiliing Family 🙂
I still have the rock bug, but I plan on leaving it for someone else to find soon..
Maybe it will make someone else’s day as it did mine.
I just remembered another rock I was given about six years ago.

Grandson, Eli had made it for me early in his reading and writing career.
To photograph it, I went to my jewelry box and found it. — Yes, I kept it all these years. Grandmas cherish little gifts like this.

Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved