Bob and I took a ride down our farm lane before 8 this morning. It was cool out and buggy. We never expected to see deer. The crops and grasses are getting tall and making it harder to see whitetail.
We saw this doe at the far end of our lane. She watched us for a while, even coming closer.
Eventually, she turned and ran.
Sunny was riding with us and enjoyed the deer sighting, too. It was a good start to our day. Now we are getting ready for another Farmer’s Market in Seymour. Hope to see you there.
I just thought I’d add a couple more photos from our family weekend.
Dave and Russell spent hours cutting up fallen trees on our farm. We are so thankful for their help and also for the help of Seth and Rob who helped pick up log pieces from the lane.
Now that our farm lane is clear of fallen trees Bob and I are able to drive down to our favorite viewing spot by the woods.
This photo was taken from our favorite spot last year. Any day we catch a glimpse of a whitetail or two is always a good day.
Whenever Bob and I take a ride in our cart to our woods, I grab my camera. It’s a sure thing some interesting wild animal will appear if I forget it on the table.
This first photo I snapped of a doe and fawn from quite a distance. I took a couple of shots, but most were blurry because I moved the camera. It’s not easy keeping the camera steady when the zoom is outstretched.
Besides having my camera with the zoom lens, we set up a critter cam to capture photos of our four-footed neighbors.
When I looked at the photos taken by the critter cam yesterday I found a doe nosing around the area. She seemed to be alone. She stayed in the area for quite some time so we got quite a few shots of her.
My favorite one from yesterday is of a doe with an attitude. The only thing that would have made this photo better is if she had her tongue out.
I have all kinds of nature photos, too many for my laptop, so I’m working at editing out the doubles and blurry shots. This sure takes time so I better get to work or I won’t have room for new photos.
Bob and I haven’t had a lot of luck wildlife viewing lately. Once in a while, we’ve seen a couple of sandhill cranes and a few turkeys, but no whitetail deer.
Tonight was different. As soon as we stopped on our viewing knoll, we saw a buck in the neighbor’s cornfield. He stared at us for a little while and we stared back.
Bob then pointed out two other bucks who were hidden from me behind a tree.
When all three started moving away, a fourth showed up. At the last minute, two more came out from behind tall grass.
For a time we had a total of six to watch, but soon they all disappeared into the woods heading north.
About ten minutes later, three deer ran out of the woods heading south.
Some of the first? Maybe, but I added them into our notebook just the same.