Bob’s Home remedy

Bob was the first one to tell me about this clotting agent. Years ago he asked me to save the pepper packets from our fast food order. He wanted them for his toolbox.

Black pepper will stop bleeding when applied to an open cut.

Many mechanics, farmers, and others who work with tools may know this trick,

Black pepper is naturally antibacterial so that’s another positive for this helpful aid.

I do not recommend this for a large wound, but those pesky small bleeding cuts seem suitable, especially when working far from other help.

I’ve known Bob to wrap a dirty rag around a cut and continue working after cutting himself. It had to be something big to get him in the house for help–oh yeah, if a cut was bloody when he got inside to help he often fainted. He hasn’t fainted at the sight of blood in a long time, so maybe he’s outgrown it.

Google for additional informational pepper uses–I’m no doctor, but I thought I’d pass along Bob’s suggestion.

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