Category Archives: Rachel

A portrait of Sunny

A surprise came in the mail yesterday. Here’s the video showing what was in the package.

When the package came, it had me scratching my head. I hadn’t ordered anything.

It took a bit to unwrap my package and I was so happy to find this portrait of my late dog, Sunny.

I do love surprises. Thank you Rachel.

This is a link to the artist in Plover, Wisconsin:

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2022 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

Listening to a six-year-old is fun

I’m glad my weekly column gave me an avenue to save family happenings, even little ones.

Rachel had a lot to say this day. In my April 1988 column, I luckily caught a few of her gems and put them in print.

Back in those days, the kids always did something that became the subject of one of my columns. If it wasn’t one of them, then Bob stepped up.

Life was always interesting.

Now it’s much quieter, but still interesting. Thank goodness for family, pets, and the Internet.

Copyright © 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved