His name is Barn-E for many reasons. First, he spent much of his infancy in my barn with his mother. Second, his brother is Car-E. They have the same mother. There’s no telling who the father is.
But you can see from Car-E’s rough play why I have to keep a close eye on my large cat and my much smaller kitten.
In this video I tell of the time we accidentally got hundreds of turkey chicks. It was all because my dad didn’t want to see them destroyed when the sender and receiver of the live chicks wouldn’t take them at the airport. As a surprise, Dad brought them home. Wow, that sure was an interesting summer.
Dad worked at United Airlines and this was one of most exciting things he ever brought home–it’s a good thing he never caught the monkey that got loose in the rafters of the building.
I’ve never raised turkeys since. From this experience I’ve found them to be extremely stupid birds.