Category Archives: Car-E

Cats wrestling

This video is from 2 years ago. These two still wrestle, but a third cat is often involved.

They have fun wrestling and no one gets hurt. If things got too rough, I would have stopped their roughhousing.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2024 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

Cats locked away

When furry pests can be a problem, I lock this gate.

They could leap over it if they choose to, but they haven’t yet.

Soon all three will be free to run and play throughout the house and relax on the enclosed porch.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2024 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

Cute kitty

Car-E was a cute kitten.

Just watch him playing.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2024 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

Cat with an empty tissue box

It was Car-E’s turn to play. He investigated the box with a cat toy inside.

His interest only lasted a short time, but I was lucky to capture him on video.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2024 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

A very helpful cat

I use filtered water for myself and my pets. Today, Car-E wanted to help me.

Eventually, I took the bucket of water to fill all the water bowls here.

Car-E has been known to go to a full bowl and play with the water there. He’s a messy cat.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2024 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.