Our critter cam was in position, ready for something to walk into its frame.
We got a few shots that didn’t show anything, then a blurred deer passed in the distance in the dark of night. It wasn’t until 7:51 am that we got our best photo.
Meet Tom
Mr. Tom Turkey came into view strutting for his lady friends. I guess the lady turkeys were shy because they never stepped in front of the camera.
This beautiful Tom is just the beginning of our 2019 nature snapshots. Hope we capture many more wild animals as we go through the year.
Bob and I still haven’t been able to drive our cart all the way down our farm lane. We are keeping a watch for the day when all the water and mud have disappeared enough for us to drive safely down to our woods.
In the meantime, we took our critter cam down our lane as far as we could. There we attached it to a tree to see if any animals come for a visit.
Say, ‘cheese’
We set the camera up near the lane, on the edge of an open field. Hopefully, when we bring the camera home again, we’ll have photos of local wildlife and not just Bob, Sunny, and me in the cart after affixing the camera to the tree.
This is an honest offer. Come to our farm with a bucket or bag and you can have free fertilizer. Many should jump at this offer, at least I hope so.
The free fertilizer is actually chicken manure. It is dry chicken manure, but there is a catch. You have to shovel your own…out of the chicken house.
Some country people would not flinch at this work, especially if they have need of good manure.
Since we only have 8 chickens, the amount in the chicken house has composted over the last six months–I really should clean it out more often. It really doesn’t smell…really.
The chickens do not add too much fresh to the mix. These days they mostly make their deposits around the farmyard, just ask Sunny where. He searches the ‘chicken treats’ out and eats them!
I have used some of the chicken manure in my flower beds, but there’s still a lot left.
Dry chicken manure going into flower bedMy raised bed is a holey water trough.
So if you are in need of a high nitrogen, natural fertilizer contact me. I’ll even give you a bucket to take your share home.
I am not Tom Sawyer trying to get you to paint a fence, but this can be fun. Also, you get to take home homegrown fertilizer for FREE.
I found a way to express myself besides using words. I’m painting again, but not with watercolors. This time I’m using alcohol inks.
Here are four of my paintings. These trees are on 4 by 4 tiles. The glossy surface makes painting with alcohol ink interesting. Sometimes it has a mind of its own and spreads wherever it wants.
There is an upside of this kind of art, if I absolutely hate what I’ve done, I can spray it with alcohol, wash it away, and start with a clean tile. If I’m satisfied, I spray the finished tile with a clear lacker and then it’s set.
These are backed with cork so they can be used as coasters. BTW: I have a few for sale at Sissy’s in Seymour.
I also, have some wild and crazy paintings, but I think I’ll leave those for another time. This is just a sample for a quick blog today.
Last night about midnight, a wicked thunderstorm came through Seymour. It got very noisy. Lightning was all around us. After I got up to unplug our computers, the electric went out–I waited a few minutes to see if the electricity came on. It didn’t and I was the first to report the outage.
Bob slept through the storm, stretched back in his ELECTRIC lift recliner. I knew he’d have to get up eventually so I went for the 9-volt batteries I had in the kitchen for just this kind of problem.
My husband continued to sleep as I worked my way behind his recliner and installed the batteries so he could get out of his chair when he woke. I then stretched out on the couch and went to sleep.
Bob woke up and tried to lower his legs, but he couldn’t. I guess those packaged batteries had been in the drawer too long and didn’t work.
He needed to use the facilities so we worked together to get him out of his chair. Bob slid forward onto the raised footrest and almost stood, but the chair tipped forward with his weight.
It was work, but Bob did get out of the chair and made it to the toilet in time. This made him happy. He came back to sit in my recliner.
The electricity returned after three and Bob happily returned to his own recliner and kicked back.
My next shopping trip, I’ll buy new 9-volt batteries and hope we won’t need them ever again.
Harrison and Grandpa Bob sitting in the recliner on a storm-free day.