Category Archives: Sunset

A pleasant evening

The wind was wild all day long. Finally, it faded at sunset.

A wonderful way to end a day.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2024 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

Tweeters and honkers

The geese stayed at a distance, but you should be able to see them as they fly past the sunset.

It was a lovely evening.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2024 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

A sunset worth saving

The geese were flying in. The sandhill cranes were ‘singing’ this evening.

I didn’t want it to end.

I’m sharing this with you so you can appreciate the beauty of Wisconsin.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2023 Susan Manzke, All rights reserved.

A Sunnybook Farm sunset

Most of January was cloudy. Today, January 29th, the sun came out.

It’s great to see the sun. Too bad frigid weather will follow. (Two cats came for their evening meal. Today they got chicken fat skimmed from the chicken I baked. They were happy for this treat.)

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2023 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.