Category Archives: Columns

Spring arrives on a wing

Geese flying in from the south may mean spring to you. For me, the arrival of the red-winged blackbird heralds spring.

This column from days gone by shows how those birds bring spring to me.

It doesn’t matter the year. When red-wing blackbirds warble for the first time in April, I celebrate the birth of spring.

Wishing you days where birds brighten your life.

Copyright © 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

Children go wild

April 1986 was when Russell received the scar on his hand. How do I know? I wrote about it in a column.

Just listen today and find out how many of our children got hurt that spring.

Maybe someone will tell me how Russell’s accident really happen, but probably not.

Addition from Russell:

Russell ManzkeI clearly remember how I got that scar. I was curious if the windows in the chicken coup in the barn would open, so I wrestled one open and discovered they did go up. It stayed up long enough for me to say, “They DO open!” then it slammed back down, shattered, and took a chunk of my knuckle with it. I’m not sure what story I gave you. I probably blamed Rob.

Copyright © 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

Change of plans

Some days you have a long list of to-do things. Most times everything on that list does not get done. Sometimes an outside force has you tossing the list completely. This column tells of a day when my plans went out the window.

I kept thinking about my undone plans until I was walking around the field, taking down measurements.

The company and the beauty of the day made me grateful for the changes I had to make.

Remember to enjoy the times you have and the changes you are given. They can both represent unexpected gifts.

Copyright © 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

What to give Daddy for his birthday?

This column tells about one of Bob’s birthdays and what our young children decided to give him in 1989.

The gifts that Robby, Becky, Russell, and Rachel gave their Dad that year tell a lot about each of them. Just listen and see what I mean.

Today, gift giving also shows my children’s personality. After all these years, they haven’t changed too much, well, maybe Rob has.

Copyright © 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved