Our family always had dogs when I was growing up. Laddy was a special hound. He was a purebred collie when we couldn’t afford one. I guess we got him from the bargain rack.
Laddy came to us because he was a very sick pup. Mom spoon fed him bread soaked in warm milk, otherwise, he wouldn’t or couldn’t eat. She gave him pills in liver sausage, too. It was all because of my mom’s valiant efforts that Laddy lived and grew into a fine family dog.

Laddy put up with my sister and me dressing him up in crazy outfits. Here he is wearing a raincoat and a hat. Laddy would let us do just about anything to him. He never complained.
Dogs like Laddy are trusting, loving, and loyal. They don’t care if a person is filthy from work, they are always happy to see you come home.
I like cats, too, but I’ve never had a cat greet me at the door, wagging its tail.