Category Archives: Family

Too cold for a baby

This is a retelling of the below-zero temperatures that started when Becky (Rebecca) was born.

Our mobile home had a hard time holding in the heat that cold, windy winter. Listen to find out how we kept our newborn baby warm.

Rebecca Sue at three months of age

It was a challenge keeping everyone healthy that January, but we managed.

Copyright 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

What’s behind New Year’s resolutions?

Google told me that yearly resolutions started over 4000 years ago in Babylon. People made their resolution (promise) to their gods and kept them so the gods would look kindly on them.

Good thing I looked that up. I thought it was a modern invention.

This column was written at the end of 1980. Here’s what I said about resolutions as the new year (1981) approached.

I haven’t made a New Year’s resolution in a long time. I do not miss the pressure. These days I just do the best I can. Success and failure take their turns with me, but that’s just life.

Copyright 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

Mary and Me

I saved this column for Christmas Eve.

Many years ago, when Rachel was a toddler, I walked the floor with her on Christmas Eve. I think she was teething and in a sour mood. That night we spent hours together.

I couldn’t help but think of another mother that night. Mary had her baby many years ago. In my mind, we walked the floor together, something all mother’s have in common.

Even all these years later, I remember that Christmas eve. The lights of our tree lit the living room where I walked.

Christmas arrived that morning. The medicine I had given Rachel Jo helped her and me.

Wishing you memories of Christmases past you can share.

May your Christmas be a blessed one.

Copyright 2020 © by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

A pre-Christmas storm

Children always put a different spin on things, especially snow storms.

This column from 1985, had us all trapped home for three days. That doesn’t seem like much compared to life these days.

I hope you enjoy this retelling.

I’m looking for snow today, but I don’t think we’ll get any for Christmas this year.


Copyright 2020 © by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

Christmas cookie baking octopus

A few times a year I left the kitchen and let Bob take over. One time was making pie dough and another time I left was for Christmas cookie baking. I wasn’t good at either and the commotion drove me nuts.

This column covers cutout cookie baking. It was better for all of us if I stayed away. Everything just frustrated me.

I still don’t like cutting out cookies, but I love eating them. Most cutouts break for me. I’m all in when it comes to drop cookies though, especially chocolate chips.

Copyright 2020 © by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved