Category Archives: Family

Sometimes you have to be hardhearted

It’s not always fun being a mother especially if you put your foot down.

This column from 1986 is when this mother knew best, even if her daughter didn’t think so.

Rebecca (Becky) might want to write her own version of this episode. There’s always two sides.

I would not change my decision. It was Becky’s own good

Copyright © 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserve

An unusual treat

Plans were set, though the actual 1986 date was months away. It would be August before my pen pal Pauline would arrive in Wisconsin.

This is how I wrote about my anticipation in my column.

I will continue giving bits and pieces of Pauline’s 1986 visit in future readings.

I hope you return

Copyright © 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

A bumbling video game player

I love computers, but not video games. I have two left thumbs when it comes to working my way through a video game, though I have no problems with Solitaire.

When we were first married, Bob and I bought Pong. That was about my limit when it came to video games.

I was unprepared for this upgrade gift in 1983 and never caught up.

This might have been an Atari game, at least I remember having one. I probably couldn’t even play Pong today.

Copyright 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

A toy for everyone & a playful cat

This video starts with Car-E trying to play with my hand, which means he’s chewing on me. This cat-play goes on for a minute before I start reading–just to let you know.

Eventually, I read about three-year-old Russell’s favorite toy, a shopping cart. I hope you enjoy the story and the cat antics.

All toys are outgrown and handed down. That’s the way it should be.

Rachel ended up using the pink shopping cart.

Family memories are good to save, even little ones.

Copyright 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

A museum adventure

I loved going on school field trips, but I think this one was the most challenging of all.

Robby’s 4th grade class was going to the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum, in Neenah to see their antique glass paperweight collection. All those active children and all that glass made me nervous. Here’s what I wrote about that day.

Now I wish I had jotted down the lyrics to the songs the kids were singing on the bus. That would be fun to share today.

The boys were active as always, but we all survived and no glass was broken. Thank goodness.

Copyright 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved