I usually work the election polls, but I bowed out from these duties and asked for a paper absentee ballot.
I received my paper ballot yesterday and only opened the envelope today. It looked as I expected. I was ready to fill it out and send it back to our township clerk. That’s when I stumbled across a problem.
The envelope has highlighted places for signatures. Yes, I said signatures with an S. I was to sign and have someone sign as a witness to my signature.

I was flummoxed. Who would witness my signature? If Bob was around, we would have witnessed each other. Now I only had the dog. Somehow I don’t think his paw print would suffice.
While I was contemplating this dilemma, I got a phone call from daughter Rebecca. I told her about the situation. Rebecca said to take my sealed ballot to the drive-up window at the bank. The clerk at the window can be my witness–they also have notary public services the same way.
Tomorrow I’ll take a drive to Nicolet Bank in Seymour. They know me there and should be able to be my witness.
Thank you, Rebecca.
Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved