Going for a drive down our lane is very interesting some days.
Because of the tall corn growing on our farm, we don’t get a great view of the landscape, but we still enjoy our rides…well usually.
Today, a flying grasshopper flew right at me and hit me in the face. Actually, it hit me in my glasses. I was so happy I was wearing my glasses as I’m not sure if that grasshopper could have damaged me.
Also, Bob and I don’t talk much as we drive. Some bugs, like this grasshopper, could end up in one of our mouths. (Once I swallowed a Junebug! Yuck!)
I wanted to write this blog about getting hit by a grasshopper but had a hard time getting one to stand still long enough to take its picture.

I finally got this photo of two on the ground. I know it’s out of focus, but those bugs are fast. They don’t sit long enough to say ‘cheese’.

Bob and Sunny were on the grasshopper search with me, hunting slower ones that I could capture with my camera.
Just a word of warning, when driving out in the country, wear safety glasses or a helmet and keep your mouth shut.
Better safe than sorry.
Copyright © 2019 Susan Manzke, All rights reserved