Category Archives: Columns

Another branch of the family

I found out grandson Caleb was playing in a soccer tournament in my neck of the woods this Sunday. It just so happened I could make one of his three games.

They were outmatched but they kept trying. Can’t do more than that.

Until next time, that’s it from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright © 2021 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

Up north

I rode along today with Rebecca and Andy. We visited Rachel and David at their northern cabin. Here’s what we saw.

A walk in the woods.

Rachel, Rebecca, and Andy as we looked about.

Wyatt catching up with walkers using his machine.

We had a campfire, hotdogs and s’mores — my first s’more of 2021.

Rebecca, Susan, and Rachel on National Daughter’s Day

I’m tired so that’s it for now.

It was a good family day.

Until next time, that’s it from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright © 2021 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

Two kitten videos

They were born and then they vanished. I thought something had killed them or their mother had abandonded them as she had done with other kittens in the past. Then one day they showed up on my porch, ready to share some cat food.

Playing around Mom.

Getting photographs isn’t easy as the kittens don’t sit and say ‘Cheese’.

It’s nice that they survived.

Anyone in need of a kitten?

Until next time, that’s it from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright © 2021 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

Our family magician — Bob

This column is from October 1986. It talks about my late husband fixing everything, except his pickup truck.

I hope you enjoy hearing all about Bob again.

Bob saved so much and used a lot of what he saved, but not everything. I’m facing a lot of what was left over from Bob, his dad, Shorty, and even from the last owners of this farm.

Things will be done, but it takes time.

I wish Bob was hear to deal with it all, but since that is impossible, well, eventually things are certain to find new homes.

Until next time, that’s it from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright © 2021 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

Another Torment

The noise was driving me crazy. It wasn’t loud, just annoying.

Listen as I read a column 1986 when a critter invade our house.

It’s nature’s way of getting ready for winter to send critters inside a farmhouse.

Don’t be embarrassed if this happens to you. I wasn’t, otherwise I wouldn’t have written about it.

Until next time, that’s it from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright © 2021 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved