Category Archives: Bob

Oil of a Different color

This column from 1987 could have happened any year. It is not tied to a specific time period.

Listen to hear as one major car problem is solved.

I hope you enjoyed the twist at the end.

I would never had remembered this short happening if I hadn’t written it in my column. This is a good example why everyone should save their stories, no matter how short.

Pick up your pen/pencil today and jot down a story you remember. Maybe one with a fun twist at the end. Good luck.

Copyright © 2021 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserve

Nightmares affect many

Many times I was woken up by a teary child who had just experienced a nightmare. This column is an account of Bob having a dream go sour.

Any time Bob had sleep issues they affected me, too. This was a rather mild nightmare for my husband. A few others involved a tractor going off a cliff and another had Bob being chased by a bear. You’ll have to listen to this one to see who was out to get Bob this night.

I’m glad I wrote this nightmare down. It wouldn’t have been remembered otherwise.

Copyright 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

A bearded Bob

Harvest and planting seasons kept Bob busy, too busy to shave. This column from 1984 shows his best attempt at growing a beard one winter.

Bob did not shave every day, so most times I felt his wishers when we kissed.

I wish I was snapping more photos in those days. But developing film was expensive and I often passed up a good photo just to save money.

Eventually, digital photos came our way. Without having to develop film, I caught Bob in many more photos, not just for special occasions.

Copyright 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

Inside job continues

Bob and I hated to make choices. Deciding what color we should paint our living room was difficult. Worse was picking carpeting.

This column is dedicated to carpeting, choosing it and then putting it in place — Bob was a do-it-yourself guy.

We finished the living room before spring work began on the farm. If we had a delay inside, and spring had arrived, the room work wouldn’t have gotten done until the following winter–farming always came first.

Copyright 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved

A winter remodel

This column tells about the aftermath of Rachel Jo drawing on the wall above our couch. It started out as a paint job, but then Bob stepped in and added to the project.

Bob’s two cents worked well for our living room. Opening the wall turned out great. The large shelving unit was finished and used by our family for years.

Of course, we had to live in the mess for a week, but thinking back on Bob-projects, this one was completed in a relatively short time.

Thank goodness most of Bob’s ideas were great.

Copyright 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved