End of season dahlias

The tubers can be left in the ground until it is freezing, but why wait? Better to work in nice weather.

Bob and I were often out in the cold digging up the flower bed. Our hands froze. Our noses ran. I hated those tubers because of the winter-like weather.

Not this year. I chose the last nice day to do this chore.

It’s no good to wait until the last minute.

I enjoyed my time with my flowers this fall because I wasn’t freezing.

Now I’m looking at a small package of tulip bulbs. Should I plant them? Or should I save them to force the bulbs to bloom mid-winter?

I planted a couple of fall bulbs, but when the snow flies I like to see growing plants. The rest will give me comfort in January.

Until next time, that’s it from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2021 © by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.