These days it isn’t easy to keep family close as we are all living at a virus-induced distance.
My family and I keep in touch by phone, instant message, and video conferences. The kids check-in to make sure I’m well and safe, sheltering at home–I am. I haven’t been away from the farm for weeks. Rebecca brought essential groceries to my back door, only to visit from a distance on our last nice day.
Even when not connecting with family members, I connect with them every time I go to the refrigerator. That’s where I have a photo gallery.

There are other odds and ends attached to the front of the refrigerator: pressed flower art from Carol, an unfinished family tree, a printout of Bob and my name that will end up with thousands of others on Mars, and a Pickles cartoon. Mostly, I look at the photos.
I’m connected to my family when I get breakfast, lunch, and dinner…and a snack. They are there smiling back, even if the photos are a little old and they are much more grown-up now.
They are there for me to see and admire, even when we are living at a distance.
Yep, I’m proud of my whole family. It would be better if we could get together and hug and laugh, but that day will come. Right now I’ll just admire all the Manzke offspring as I head for milk for my coffee.
Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved