After discussing our broken washer with friends on the internet we took action.
Bob said to check the water-screen. I thought we’d have to pull the washer out of its space against the wall…..a lot of work if you asked me. Bob said we do that in the basement where the water comes up from the basement.
The screens were clean.
The next step was to switch the hot and cold connections. Bob didn’t think this would work, but he didn’t understand my plan–based on friends’ ideas for us.
The cold water now comes out of the hot connection. The hot water, replaced the cold so it doesn’t work.
I can fill the tub with cold water automatically now. I do not have to carry any water. I just have to listen when the washer stops, trying to fill for the rinse cycle. At this point, I turn the dial back to the start position and it fills with cold water again.

I wash and rinse in cold water.
The problem still exists, but I can use the washing machine and did today. We won’t have to look for a new washer, not until something else breaks on my machine.
I’m satisfied.
Copyright 2019 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved