Monthly Archives: April 2019

A lovely day

Today Rachel and two of her brood drove up from Sun Prairie. Eli and Arianna, our nine-year-old grandtwins, were on spring break. The three of them came to take Grandpa Bob to his Oncology checkup. The checkup went fine and we had a lot of fun with our company.

While we waited to go to the afternoon appointment, Rachel helped me with my blog setup. She also cleared up a lot of things on my web site. Now let’s hope I don’t mess things up on my computer.

The twins put together a 300 piece puzzle on the dining room table. The day was fun, productive, and especially good because Bob had good numbers from his blood tests.

Eli and Arianna had a good start on this puzzle.

April 14, 2019 Remembering Mom and Dad

I can’t let April go by without thinking of Mom and Dad. Dad’s birthday was April 10th and Mom’s April 19th–Bob’s Dad’s birthday was April 13 and my Aunt Leona’s was April 1. When I was a kid April was the best month for eating cake and celebrating.

Though all four are gone now I can’t help but think of them. This year I will continue to celebrate their lives, remembering the good times.

Dad loved playing music. He had guitars, harmonicas, and accordions. In warm weather, he’d build a campfire and we’d sing old songs in the front yard.

Mom wasn’t musical, but she’d sing, too. One of their favorite songs was Let me call you Sweetheart. They also liked the Tennessee Waltz. I don’t think I can hear either of those songs without thinking of my parents.

Happy Birthday, Dad and Mom. Your memory still lives on.

April 13, 2019 Still looks like winter

 Snow in April isn’t as much fun for us now as it used to be when we were kids.

Back in ancient times, I loved getting out to sled down the hills around our home. Snowmen were rolled and built, but most fun came from snowball fights with cousins–until I got hit too many times by Cousin George.

Today I’m staying inside trying to figure out how to do some things on my computer. Updating this blog is one of my chores. Hope this posts okay and one or two people check it out.

Who knows how long our newspapers will want my column. The Wisconsin State Farmer has me down to 4 Fridays a months. So if you missed me a couple of weeks ago it was the fifth Friday of March.

Now time to get Bob his 11 am pills…..He’s doing pretty good by the way.