Category Archives: gardening

From boxed parts to a garden cart

My garden cart project took me an afternoon to assemble and I’m very happy with the outcome.

I had to use my wrenches and pliers to put this together. Some of the time I spent working on this cart was going into the house looking for tools.

The hardest part was tightening the bolts that held this cart together. But I did it!

I’m still smiling at my accomplishment.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2024 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

Tomato find

I knew I had green tomatoes on my plants, but this ripe tomato surprised me.

I do not have a big garden. Vegetables can be found at farmer’s markets, but I love walking outside and picking and eating a ripe tomato growing in my backyard. Eventually, the little cherry tomatoes will brighten their vines, too.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2023 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

Gardening gadget helps in house

If getting up off the floor, this gardening seat/kneeler might help you. I am now using it in the house to assist me when I have to get down on the floor.

I’ve used this for years outside. I can’t locate the brand I bought, but there are many similar on from $30 to $50, depending on extras. Mine was basic, with no tool pouches, so on the less expensive side, but really sturdy.

I recommend this for anyone older in need of a boost getting up.

Make sure if you are using this outside, that you have it placed firmly on level ground. I once tumbled over onto my lawn when I made the mistake of setting it on an odd lump of ground.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2023 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

Sprouts in my kitchen

I have two videos I made about sprouting seeds on YouTube. This is the second one I did.

It’s easy to sprout seeds. I love to eat alfalfa sprouts. You don’t need anything fancy. A canning jar works with a cheesecloth cover. Soak seeds overnight in room temperature water. Pour off the water. Each morning and evening, pour room temperature water into your container and then drain well. Depending on the seeds you are using, they will sprout in a day or two. After they grow a few more days, you can eat them. When they grow large enough, rinse, and then refrigerate them. Great for salads, tacos, and sandwiches. Find different seeds to sprout if you want other flavors. Radish sprouts are a little spicy.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2023 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.

Harvesting lettuce

It’s time for a nibble from my hydroponic garden.

It sure makes me happy to see these plants growing. And besides looking at the green plants, I can eat the lettuce. Can’t beat being able to eat from my winter garden.

The second growing water garden will eventually have pansies. Those should bring color into my house.

Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.

Copyright 2023 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.