I thought I had all my chocks updated to Daylight Savings Time, but then I remembered a couple in the upstairs bathroom.

I don’t know how we got so many clocks, but I use them all.
A few update to the time change on their own. They are atomic and get the true time every day and every night.
I just remembered a clock in Bob’s office that still needs changing. I don’t usually look to that clock for time, so I may not get to it right away.
Can you guess which of the clocks was the worst to change?
I had a couple that gave me trouble as I worked to rehook them back on the wall, but setting them was easy.
The most difficult to change was the one in the car. I didn’t want to get the how-to book out of the glove compartment, so I worked on it on my own.
For some reason, the minutes would change but not the hour. They would whizz ten minutes forward with just a little touch of the button. Because of this issue I had to keep resetting them.
Eventually, I got past the minute display and landed on the hour button. One little touch and the clock was on Day Light Savings Time. Yeah!
Of course, the hard part comes when we have to ‘fall back’ at the beginning of November, but I won’t think about that now.
I’m all set….. or at least the clocks are.
Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved