Two weeks ago I arranged for a new router. The box came in two days and has been sitting on the counter ever since.
I thought I could hook it up. Plugging in all the wires wouldn’t be too bad. What worried me was all the things that need WIFI here. They would all need to be reconnected with the new router number.

Halfway through setup I ran into a problem and called for help from my provider, CenturyLink–DSl is the cheapest option I can get in the country.
A woman, far away, helped me through all the things I had to do to get my new router working. All the wires were hooked in the right places. I just had to click the right things on the website to get everything working with the router.
I listened to her. She waited for me to do as directed–she was very nice. It took a little time but
Still, I wasn’t finished. I had to get my TV to recognize the WIFI and my Echo and my cellphone.
The phone was easy. The TV took a little time, but I didn’t have to Google an answer.
The Echo/Alexa was different. I Googled my problem, found someone who had answers on youtube. It was easy after following his step-by-step directions.
Everything seems to be going well, or else I wouldn’t be able to post this blog.
One more big step for me!
Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved