After we came back from Bob’s oncology appointment yesterday, we were both full of energy. The good news really picked up our spirits.
When Bob is full of energy, he needs to work. It was his idea to go down to a farm ditch and dig. The drain tile was a bit blocked again and not draining a field properly.
Off we went with the cart and tile shovel.
It was a bit awkward as Bob had to stand part way in the ditch to get a good view of the end of the tile–I offered to help, but Bob said I didn’t do it right.
Bob dug some mud out and watched the water run out of the field tile.
Bob may be retired and fighting cancer, but he will work all his life. Work makes him happy.
A second day of having our critter cam out along our farm lane meant more wildlife.
The tom turkey didn’t return to strut his stuff. Instead, two sandhill cranes walked across the field. Two days before we scared one from the overgrown ditch–maybe she was nesting there. We can’t be sure if she is one of this pair. No matter. It’s always nice seeing them on our farm.
The critter cam shows two of the sandhill cranes on Sunnybook Farm
Again, the night photos didn’t show much, only a few distant glowing eyes. Earlier a different kind of wildlife showed up in the afternoon.
Susan and Bob looked at the camera. Sunny had his eyes on a hopping robin.
We reset the camera today, thinking we missed last night’s thunderstorm. Little did we know a half hour later another storm would pop up in our area. Good thing we made it back to the house in time.
The last time Bob and I stopped by the Appleton Fleet Farm was last December. After our visit that day, I noticed swelling in his legs. That meant a different ride, to the Emergency Room at St. Mary’s Hospital, Green Bay.
Today, was the first time the two of us went for a ride to the Appleton Fleet Farm alone–we had stopped at the Green Bay store with Rachel after an oncology appointment, but that doesn’t count. Today we were on our own.
Bob wanted to get a new chain for his small chain saw. It turned out they were out of stock, so he just got a file. When we came home, Bob set about sharpening the dull chain he had.
I was not prepared for this quick trip. My plans for the day included planting canna lilies I had saved last fall. Too bad for my flowers. Bob really wanted to take the trip to ‘his’ store, so we went.
Of course, we couldn’t get out of the store with one item. Other animal treats also came home with us, which pleased Sunny, our dog, and Othello and Cruella our cats.
Still, doing something ordinary like taking a trip to Fleet Farm felt good. It had nothing to do with doctors or medicine and that was a good feeling.
Now I’m going outside and hope to get my tubers planted before Bob comes up with another chore for me–BTW: he’s riding the lawn mower now. He put his saw aside for the time being.
We were surprised and thrilled when Rachel told us her family would like to camp on the farm Memorial weekend. It’s a good thing they couldn’t come Friday night or they would have been camping when the storm thundered through our area.
They arrived at noon on Saturday, just in time to make lunch for all of us. Afterward, they set up their tent in our campground, otherwise known as our backyard.
camping beginsSetting up the tent is a family eventMission accomplished by a family that works togetherBob enjoyed watching the show as the tent went up. All I did was take photos.