A certain young grandson has a peanut allergy. When Wyatt comes for a visit all peanut products are stored in cabinets.
I read labels so when I bake cookies to share with grandchildren, I do not include anything with even the possibility of peanut contamination. Food labels highlight use of peanuts and if the product is made in a factory where peanuts are put into other products.
Cross-contamination isn’t good for Wyatt. This I learned the last time he and his family visited.
Rachel was making Wyatt a jelly sandwich. She found a jelly in the fridge he didn’t dislike and thought about using it. Then she asked me, “Do you ever put your knife in the jelly after putting peanut butter on your toast?”
“Yes,” was my answer. This is a no-no. We had cross-contaminated the jelly with peanut butter. Even a tiny bit could cause Wyatt a reaction.
I don’t remember what we did about Wyatt’s jelly sandwich that day, maybe we opened a new jar, even so, I’ve been changing my BAD habit ever since.
I still eat peanut butter,

I no longer put my contaminated knife in any other container, especially the jelly,

I use a separate spoon for the jelly or have squeezable jelly for my company to use. The squeezable container doesn’t need a knife.
I am doing this even though no one is visiting me at this time. It is a good habit I want to keep so there will never be any peanut butter mistakes in the future.
Using separate utensils in the jelly jars is something everyone can do. Then if you have company with a peanut allergy you know your jelly is safe to share.
Here’s wishing everyone allergy-free days.
Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved