Over the many years we lived in Wisconsin, Bob and I had to remove the bodies of animals that didn’t make it across the road.
Raccoons, rabbits, and groundhogs who miss judged their crossing had to be taken to the far reaches of the farm–the smell would be too much if we hadn’t done that.
Sadly, barn cats were often the victims of vehicles, too. Those were buried on the farm.
The other day, as I stepped out for my walk when I saw this.

Two black cats live here. Sadly, I was sure it was one of them.
I went back into the house for a plastic garbage bag so I could pick the body up–this was a job I didn’t want to do.
As I got closer, it changed shape. For a time it looked like a turkey wing.
Happily, it wasn’t a cat.
It wasn’t an animal at all.

It was a piece of a tire!
I was so relieved the remains were not from an animal, any animal.
The piece of tire came home with me and went into the garbage.
I then continued with my walk.
Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserve