There was another country parade today heading south on Miller Road.
I almost missed this celebration as my family had come by to help out around the house.
As we were doing chores, we stopped to look up when we saw some strange vehicles honking past Sunnybook Farm.

As they passed, I remembered I had been invited to join this country parade. It was to celebrate our neighbor, Roger Roskoms’ birthday.
Again, I wasn’t close enough to photograph the beginning of the parade, but I did click one photo before they disappeared down the road.
Roger’s daughter, Juli said: We had a fantastic turnout with three fire trucks from Navarino, Nichols, Cicero, a mixer from Green and Gold Concrete from where Dad used to work, a bunch of old cars and cool tractors. … We had 53 Vehicles total … not too shabby I guess.
Happy Birthday, Roger. You are a good neighbor with a lot of good friends and a loving family.
I hope you enjoyed your country parade.
Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved