Last spring, Bob sat by the kitchen table like I am today. His view was of our field across the street. For the first time in his life he wasn’t farming those acres, renters were, but even if Bob wasn’t out there he was riding along virtually.
The last couple of years that Bob farmed he had trouble with his planter. Either a row was missing or crooked. Those errors always showed up right next to the road where every other farmer could judge his farming. This ticked Bob off.
This year, like last spring, the renters’ rows look nice and straight. That is except that two rows were unusually close right next to the road.

I figure the acres aren’t exactly square and rows will never exactly match up for anyone.
That’s the exact spot where Bob had problems. Maybe this was done on purpose in memory of Bob.
No matter, I’ll be thinking of my husband every time I look at those two close rows.
Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved