This morning, I headed off to Fleet Farm. The dry cat food I use for the outside cats was on sale. I get it in a fifty-pound bag.
As I was walking around the store, picking up dog treats (on sale), canned Frisky cat food with extra gravy (on sale) for the inside cats, I kept thinking about Bob.
It’s hard to travel those aisles without him. For too many years, that was our outing together. We’d mostly go when things we needed were on sale, or if Bob needed something for the farm, like fuel oil, or hydraulic oil, or spray oil–he used a lot of oil. Today I was alone.
As I filled my cart (groaning some when lifting the 50-pound bag) I thought of Bob. I kind of talked to him in my head as I ventured past his favorite aisles.
At least, I hoped I talked to him in my head, because if I was mumbling or talking out loud, someone’s going to come with a net and take me away.
Anyway, I got stocked up again on needed items, even fruit and nut bird food, which wasn’t on sale but was needed.

I’m wondering what I got for myself… Oh yeah, I got a director’s chair on sale!
I’ll go again to Fleet Farm, but I will never go without Bob in my head and in my heart.
Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved