Sunny is family. It doesn’t matter that he has four legs and fur. This dog is definitely part of our family. He even looks a little like us.
Taking a walk with Sunny is good for the dog and good for me. I read somewhere that people are healthier when they have pets, especially a dog. I’m sure this is true. A dog never judges you. It just loves you even if you are having a bad day.

We’ve had Sunny for nine years. He’s not only my walking companion, he’s also Bob’s pal, too.

Today we took Sunny for a ride in our cart. It’s one of his favorite activities. As we drive he gets to look for wildlife. Too bad no birds or beasts showed up this time, not even a barn cat. Instead, as Bob drove, I went along the roadside ditch and picked up garbage. We all benefited from being out on a lovely Saturday afternoon and the countryside looks a whole lot neater.