I hope you enjoy this childhood story my dad told.
Dad ended up helping his sister Bea with household chores after she caught him skipping school
My dad was a storyteller, not a writer. Luckily, before he passed away, Dad wrote down a few of the stories he told us. Here is one example.
I used some of Dad’s stories in my novel, Chicken Charlie’s Year. Here’s a link to it if you’d like to take a look my book. (It is also in the Muehl Public Library.)
Maybe you are shy about saving your own stories. If so, interview a relative and save one of their stories.
Today I’m sharing one of my dad’s stories called Broken Cookies.
The coming holidays are a great time to share and SAVE Family stories.
Set up a cell phone and record a few. You’ll be glad you did.
Until next time, that’s all there is from Sunnybook Farm.
Copyright 2024 Susan Manzke, all rights reserved.