This morning I took a sweatshirt out of the back of my closet. It had hung there for a long time, still inside-out from the last time I washed it. It seemed like a good idea to wear a sweatshirt today as the windchill would be below zero today–and tomorrow too.
Anyway, when I turned it right-side-out, I found out that the front was very springy. That turned out to be my theme for the day.
When I went to a friend’s house, I carried needed things in two flowery bags. They seemed perfect for the day’s theme.

Now I am back home. The high for the day is 14 F with a feels-like temp of -1.
My trip to the mailbox and to my chickens wasn’t very spring-like.
Oh, well, I tried.
Copyright © 2020 by Susan Manzke, all rights reserved