My friend Doris came to teach me how to make these wonderful eggs. Doris had given me some as a gift a couple weeks ago and I begged her to show me how she made them.
My long-time friend not only showed me her secrets

Another friend, Bridget, found out what we were doing and asked if she could join us. Of course, we said yes.

I couldn’t believe the beautiful eggs we made in just one afternoon. I’m considering getting some of my own supplies so I can create more eggs in the future.

Bob even came by to check out our creative endeavors, though he wouldn’t attempt painting an egg himself.
Notice Doris is wearing gloves and our kitchen table is covered in a $1 plastic table cloth. Also, old clothes were worn. This kind of ink stains easily.

These are now my eggs. See the extra large egg. Before Doris came I happened on a Legg’s plastic egg I had saved for some reason for years and years. Now I know why. It was meant to become this lovely creation.